Blackholes, An Installation (back)

A project and installation for the Santa Monica Museum of Art now the ICALA series, Wall Works.

October 10, 2013 – May 17, 2014.

Blackholes invited over 500 school children in grades K-12 to speculate through drawing about what happens when we imagine something we know as something we don’t know. Each student was given a blank milk carton and was asked to draw a graphic abstraction of outer space on the interior. A shape of their choosing was then cut out of the carton so the “space” inside could be visible from the outside. The hundreds of milk cartons together in the installation become a milky way while each individual carton contains a unique black hole. Blackholes toys with the double meanings and associations of words and related objects.


Welcome Projects



(Santa Monica

Musuem of Art)

(black and white)(box)(cardboard)(collaboration)(collaboration)(diorama)(display)(drawing)(exhibition)(food)(interior)(many)(milk carton)(object)(pen)(readymade)(shape)(shell)(smaller)(space)(technology)(temporary)(toy)